How Nifty Nest Nailed the Web3 Newsletter Game and Crossed 15,000 Subs

People are almost always interested in crypto. It’s been the new-age topic of discussion at most family dinner tables at least once over the past three years.

Well… maybe it’s less common during a bear market. So how do people get their information?

On X (formerly Twitter).

Nifty Nest, a newsletter created by Nathan Mayham has seen tons of success in the space, providing a way for the community to learn and stay up-to-date with everything crypto.

By the numbers

Since April 6th, Nifty Nest has made remarkable strides:

  • Published 46 insightful articles

  • Bookmarked 500 threads, potentially for research and content ideas

  • Allocated $10,204 to user acquisition

Diving into the growth of Nifty Nest

Challenges of crypto newsletters:

The dynamics of crypto newsletters have shifted, as evidenced by the declining active NFT traders — a drop from 160k to 47k within a year. Many platforms adjusted their ad strategies in light of these changes.

Nifty Nest's strategy:

Leveraging partnerships with platforms like SparkLoopHQ and Beehiiv. By engaging with influential finance and Web3 newsletters, they managed to secure a vast readership at an approximate cost of $.74 per subscriber.

The power of X:

Interestingly, around 50 X (formerly Twitter) accounts have a substantial influence over Crypto Twitter (it just doesn’t feel right calling it Crypto X, you know?), according to Nathan Mayham. The dominance of these key accounts highlights the concentrated power dynamics in this space.

By constantly referring to high-quality information shared by a select group of crypto analysts on Twitter, Nifty Nests provides their subscribers with well-researched insights.

Quality check

Producing quality articles requires time, something in short supply for the Nifty Nest team. Yet, they manage to maintain a steady output of content. Their approach?

Hire a quality writer who’s great at writing while simultaneously possessing a passion in crypto. This combination ensures no missed deadlines and the content remains relevant and well-informed.

Monetization and Beyond

While Nifty Nest has made significant strides in engaging readers, the next logical step is monetization (or further monetization). Given the engaged and dedicated readership, it would not be surprising if they explore sponsorships from brands and platforms eager to tap into the Web3 space.

Such sponsorships can provide a dual benefit of funding for the newsletter while offering readers curated product recommendations and insights, sort of like the morning brew does with their newsletter:

What you can learn

Niche focus: Nifty Nest's success underscores the importance of specializing in a particular area. Their focus on Web3 allowed them to carve out a distinct space in a crowded market.

Leverage partnerships: Engaging with platforms and influencers in your domain can provide a substantial boost to your subscriber base, as seen with Nifty Nest's collaboration with prominent newsletters.

Quality over quantity: Instead of spreading themselves thin, Nifty Nest prioritized quality, both in terms of content and partnerships.

Hopefully you learned something from today’s newsletter, as that’s it for today!

